Upgrade Your Existing Floorplans with interactive wayfinding directories
Whether your facility houses one organization or many, you want your guests to feel relaxed and find their destination easily.
Wayfinder Kiosks, sometimes known as a Directory Information Kiosk or a Building Directory Kiosk are an ideal way to provide customers or visitors with a simple method of finding their way to their destination as quickly as possible, with the minimum of interaction with members of your staff. They are typically provided with disabled access features, and also can also be provided with multiple language options which mean more support for your visitors.
These wayfinder kiosks are typically used in shopping malls, hospitals, public spaces, airports, hotels, theme parks and other locations where people can be easily lost, or where traditional directional signage is unavailable or inadequate.
Wayfinding software is becoming increasingly interactive to meet the demands of today’s smartphone-savvy consumer.
Interactive Design Café provides the ONLY wayfinding solution that gives you complete control of your property floor plans, rooms, and paths. Our unique re-routing, pathway scheduling, and preferred routes allow your displays to navigate meetings, events, and promotions in a live and dynamic way. Edit turn-by-turn routes on-the-fly and create up-to-date Pathway rules for your guests’ routes. Never need to constantly rely on content support or updated development costs from the vendor, iDesign provides it natively in a user-friendly intuitive solution.
Provide helpful customer service and instant information with self-service touchscreen kiosks.
Use floor maps with animated paths and step-by-step directions to direct visitors to areas and services.
Offer Area Amenities: directs visitors to nearby restaurants, hotels, public transportation, etc.
Wayfinder Kiosks can be strategically located wherever wayfinding assistance is needed and where the availability of other information would be beneficial.
Promote the full scope of your services and activities.
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Interactive Design Café was listed as a leading Service Design Agency by Forrester Research in 2013 (pg 19-34) View Report
Our Wayfinding kiosks, Directory Information Kiosks and Business Directory Kiosks are known for their original designs, exceptional quality, affordable price and unbeatable performance. We develop both hardware and software for government agencies, shopping malls, public and commercial spaces.